Since 1992.
In other words: We know the future.
M2M Solutions combines IT and automation in a unique way. We have extensive experience of the challenges that manufacturing companies face through our strong customer base in southern Sweden. We have the knowledge necessary to build you a digital factory for the digital era!
The industry of the future is here.
Purplepoint in the
manufacturing industry
Several global megatrends coincide to create enormous pressure on manufacturing companies to increase productivity and efficiency: customer demand for customised products results in shorter life cycles and more complex products; Globalization of markets, competition and supply chains intensify the pursuit of market share and talent. The opportunity at hand is to address these challenges with digital, intelligent solutions for the manufacturing sector.
To name a few examples: connected machines that communicate with to each other and automatically adjust settings to optimize productivity; collaborative robots interacting with human operators to maximize uptime and safety; quality inspection based on Artificial Intelligence that minimizes quality loss. In Europe, these digitization trends and opportunities have become known as Industry 4.0.
With the help of Purplepoint, our customers can keep up with these trends by digitizing, following up and controlling their production flows. With OEE systems, the production rate can be optimized for maximum efficiency.
Automation services
We have extensive collaborations and partnerships, but we believe competence is best maintained by ensuring that we also can work with our customers' products on site!
We have extensive experience of tailor-made consulting assignments and advanced projects where we offer everything from cabinet construction to electrical installation and PLC programming. In our facility in Jönköping, we have a fully equipped prototype workshop and assembly operations.
A single call can
go a long way.
Do you also want to benefit from digitizing your products or business? Contact us to find a solution that suits you.